Gneiss Energy is Carbon Neutral
Did you know that Gneiss Energy is already Carbon Neutral?
We’ve calculated our historical scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and worked with key partners to invest in projects which offset those emissions. And, we will continue to invest in further projects and initiatives to ensure that we always do.
Firstly, we offset our historical scope 1 and 2 emissions related to our own emissions arising from our offices’ consumption of natural gas and electricity. These are equivalent to 7 tCO2 and our investment will remove these permanently. The project we have chosen is Oregon Biochar. Biochar is produced by heating biomass in an oxygen-limited environment and is often used as a fertilizer which has the ability to sequester carbon in the soil for thousands of years. Our international travel footprint has been calculated using Gold Standard and, due to its nature, cannot be offset with UK based projects. As a result, we have invested in a 100.5MW Wind Power project in India. Our investment here has offset 53 tCO2 related to international travel.
onshore windfarm with turbines on the crest of rolling green hills
Our commitment to sustainability
Finally, the largest of these projects is Highland Carbon's Loch Ness Afforestation Project. The project comprises 92Ha of diverse native woodland with the potential to offset more than 20,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. The area boasts rich biodiversity, with species such as golden eagle, grouse, goldcrest and dwarf mountain birch, to name a few.
Planting started in 2021 with project validation expected in 2022 – the project operates under the UK Woodside Carbon Code and adopts PIUs offset standards.
Gneiss has invested in offsetting 101 tCO2 of scope 3 emissions related to our historical UK travel footprint in this project, which is part of a wider group of similar projects aimed at returning large areas of highland Scotland to indigenous forest whilst providing opportunities for carbon offsetting. In total, we have offset 161 tCO2 historical emissions.
These investments mean that right now Gneiss Energy is Carbon Neutral. But we don’t want to stop there – we are committed to continuing our offset programmes for all scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions with the aim of being Carbon Negative by the end of 2022.
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